Sunday, October 26, 2014

Happy Birthday Avery!

Two years older and wiser too! Happy birthday to you, Avery! Talk about an energetic little girl! She must have been kissed by the spirit of fall, because she was dancing and running along with the rest of the leaves :) Sure kept me on my toes! We were able to get several perfect shots though, that showcased her pretty blue eyes and bright blonde curls. And who needs a dolly when you can hug a football, am I right??

Monday, October 20, 2014

Aria's One Year Pictures

What a sweet little princess! Every time we played peek-a-boo behind the camera, she would tilt her head and give me a nice big grin! Thanks so much Joanna for letting me capture this darling little girl's adorable personality!

Jayden's 2 Year Pictures

With his sweet little head of blonde curls, this little guy was very shy at first. But by the end of the session, he was giggling, smiling and hamming it up! Thanks to the Palmersheim family for a fun morning! I think we got some cute shots :)

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Jessica's bridal photos

Let's just say it was super cold, but the colors of fall were absolutely stunning :) Thanks again for helping me out Jessica, I had a great time getting to know you and Bryce!

This last picture was shot with the Lensbaby 3G Control Freak. In case anyone was wondering, it's like a modified tiltshift lens, where you bend and compress the lens body back and forth to get an ethereal effect :)